X-treme Supply Chains
A Guide To Mastering Business Volatility

Lisa H. Harrington, Sandor Boyson, and Thomas Corsi
Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland


Short summary

This book - officially sponsored by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals and Sterling Commerce, an AT&T Company - contains a multi-faceted, multi-media set of products to serve as a definitive guide and toolset for executives who must build and operate global supply chain networks in a period of systemic, extreme change. The book brings together an unprecedented array of contributions from world experts in the new supply chain science of volatility management. It includes strategic content and discussion as well as executive templates for high-level decision making and multi-enterprise action-taking.
An experiential Web-Based Supply Chain Risk Simulation will accompany the book. The simulation energizes and empowers teams online, enabling them to explore supply chain network options and decision-making. It is designed to address the volatile nature of supply chains today, allowing users to test multiple approaches to managing ongoing sets of supply chain upheavals and assess their outcomes.


Publication date and ISBN

June 2010: 8 1/2 x 11: 300pp
PB: 978-0-415-87356-7


About the Authors

Lisa Harrington is president of the lharrington group, a strategic consulting and marketing communication sevices firm focused on supply chain management, warehousing and related technology. She also is a founder of and adjunct professor at the Supply Chain Management Center, Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland.
Dr. Sandor Boyson has over twenty five years of global supply chain management consulting experience in the business and public sectors. He is the co-author (with Dr.Corsi and Ms. Harrington) of two books on Supply Chain Management, including “In Real Time: Managing the New Supply Chain (Praeger, 2005). Professor Boyson is founding Co-Director of the R.H. Smith School’s Supply Chain Management Center.
Dr. Thomas M. Corsi is Michelle E. Smith Professor of Logistics at the R. H. Smith School of Business and founding Co-Director of Smith’s Supply Chain Management Center. He has authored two books: The Economic Effects of Surface Freight Deregulation (Brookings, 1990), and (with Dr. Boyson and Ms. Harrington) Logistics and the Extended Enterprise: Benchmarks and Best Practices for the Manufacturing Professional (Wiley, 1999).


Table of contents

1: Introduction and overview
2: Volatility as a key driver
3: Risk and how it affects and stresses all types of supply chains -- product, service, financial and cyber
4: Supply chain network design for volatility
5: Managing multichannel demand & supply for volatility
6. How global online supply chain communities are collaborating to overcome risk
7: Sustaining network performance over time amidst volatility
8: Managing the cyber/IT supply chain for volatility and risk
9: Maximizing the financial supply chain in volatile business environments
10: Adapting the services supply chain to hedge risk
11: Conclusions

